I write this on my bed, at 3:42AM.
Struggling to sleep. I will wake up at 8am tomorrow, to go to work. Will be a hard, hard day but I am keeping my spirit up. I will try and surprise myself by performing. At least, I'll sleep easily in the evening!
Did you know that jet lag adjustment to the new time zone is easier for east-to-west travel than west-to-east. For eastward travel, adjusting to the new time zone takes, in days, approximately two-thirds the number of time zones crossed. A westward adjustment takes, in days, approximately half the number of time zones crossed.
Did you know that the reasons of sleep is only partially known, and it is still is one of the mysteries of human body to be solved?
It is also believed that people were having segmented (two parts) sleeps until the Industrial Revolution.
It is now 3:52AM, time to sleep. Sun is rising.
2nd July 2013 - Clapham North, London